
There’s “Gold Canyon” in those Alaskan hills!

In July (a few years back… I know – I haven’t posted in forever and this was in my drafts of things to post… 🙂  ) my family traveled to Alaska on a cruise to see the most beautiful sights, and breathtaking views.  I of course brought along Gold Canyon to share with those I met.  Gold Canyon is available in Alaska, but very few people know about it because there are so few demonstrators in Alaska.  We are still a young company at 16 years old, and we are growing everyday, adding more people to our family and having fun while doing it.

I wanted to share these pictures with you, my family enjoying a wonderful vacation with thanks to the income I make from Gold Canyon.  This is a supplemental income from my regular job, so the money from it is used for all things FUN!  I hope you enjoy the pictures and I look forward to your comments.


With the start of a new year, I have a few things that I have consciously made a decision to improve on… One of them being the amount of trash that I throw out.  I decided that I was going to do my part to reduce the amount of waste going out of my home and to recycle even more (by making that conscious effort) and having my children help with this as well.

One of the things that I have also made a conscious decision about is the clutter that has taken over my home…  I am no longer keeping things that I do not need, have not used, and really don’t care for…  It is a difficult task sometimes to part with things, but I AM DOING IT!  2012 is my year of great change!

One of the things that I noticed I was doing was creating a lot of waste with my swiffer duster and swiffer floor refills.  While these are great, I don’t like all of the chemicals that are in the cloths, so I went out looking for a way to make my own cloth and create less waste in the environment.  I came across the following two sites that have some great tutorials on cleaning clothes that are Re-usable with your swiffer duster and swiffer floor mop.

The Swiffer Duster has always been one of my favorites, and as this tutorial shows you, you can have a re-usable duster in about 30 minutes time.  Plus, if you have some old flannel shirts laying around for donations, you can use them to create this item.  You will be saving money on refills, and will be throwing out less trash as well.

The swiffer for the floor can also have a homemade cover – I found one at this blog which has nice step by step directions on how to create it.

I spray my Homeology floor cleaner (which by the way is all natural and safe for the environment and children) on the floor of my kitchen and bathroom, and wipe away! Then when the pad gets dirty, I just replace it with the extra one that I have on hand.  That way I can continue to clean while the other one is in the wash!


I have read some people make their floor wipes from old dish towels, which would work great, or even micro-fiber towel that can be picked up at the dollar stop or “One Spot” at Target.

The above floor wipe was made with polar fleece, I have made mine from micro-fiber towels.  The micro-fiber towel really picks up the dirt with the floor cleaner.  I would love to see your projects that you have created, and hear about how you are helping to reduce the clutter and I hope that I have inspired you to “Clean Green”!  Happy 2012~

I was scouring the internet today and I came across a super cute idea of a way to re-use your old Gold Canyon candle jars.  Don’t throw them away!!!  Make them into a cute Halloween project with your family!  This activity will work best with 5 ounce, 16 ounce and 26 ounce candle jars.

This is the finished project that we want to achieve…

These cute pumpkins were found on the website www.skiptomylou.org a great website with lots of fun activities to do with kids and family.

You can make these with a few simple supplies, many that you many have on hand at home already.


– Tissue paper in orange and white

– Black construction paper

– modge podge or Elmers glue


Remove the candle label from your candle jar, sometimes the labels will peel off easily, sometimes you have to soak them in hot soapy water to get them off, so try peeling first, and if that does not work, a soak in hot soapy water for about 15 minutes will help remove the label.

Once you label is removed, use a sponge brush to paint on a layer of modge podge or elmers glue.  Place pieces of tissue paper over the glue and over lap them so that all areas of the jar are covered.  Use the foam brush to apply more glue/modge podge as needed.

Once done applying all of the orange or white tissue paper (pumpkins or ghosts) cut out pieces for the eyes and mouth from black construction paper.

Adhere the eyes and mouth and then coat the entire jar with another coat of modge podge or glue.

Allow to dry, then add a tealight for a cute treat that can line your sidewalk or driveway when those little ghouls come to visit you on Halloween.